Alchemy: Scaling support through hypergrowth with Superblocks

Rishub Kumar

Multiple authors

October 3, 2022

3 min read


"Superblocks has saved us 100s of engineering hours on internal tools and reduced support ticket resolution time by 50%."

Rishub Kumar
Product Engineer at Alchemy

Challenge: Scaling ticket resolution, billing and customer monitoring

Alchemy is the largest Web3 development platform with 10+ million end users and $100+ billion on-chain transaction volume. After raising $563M in funding, Alchemy was scaling in hypergrowth and their customer base and support could not keep up:

  1. Siloed data across multiple datastores and 3rd party apps making ticket resolution slow
  2. Growing number of unpaid invoices needing action with no dedicated billing team
  3. Customer usage patterns changing rapidly with no automated reporting

Building these tools would be expensive and require 100s of hours from their engineering team, taking away from their core product roadmap which was already understaffed given their rapid growth.

Solution: Superblocks tools cut support ticket resolution by 50%

Within 2 weeks, Rishub and his engineering team delivered 3 Superblocks tools that immediately cut ticket resolution time and made the organization more data-driven, while enabling rapid iteration of the apps moving forward.  

1. User Search App

Enabling their Support team to extract user emails from a support ticket, search them and update key user information such as their role, plan and more.

2. Invoice Management App

Enabling the Finance and Ops teams to easily track and action unpaid invoices across a scaling customer-base. 

3. Slack Usage Reporting

Enabling their executives, product managers, engineers and go-to-market team to understand daily usage across their customer base and discuss impact to the business in real-time on Slack.

Why Superblocks

Alchemy chose Superblocks and replaced legacy admin tooling, net-new tooling and Celery tasks in one platform with native Permissions, Audit Logging and Observability. The main 3 reasons they chose Superblocks were:

1. Empowering backend developers to write UIs without React

Since the engineers in charge of the tools were backend developers, Superblocks enabled them to become full stack overnight. They could drag on UIs they needed for invoice management and user search without the learning curve and maintenance overhead of a custom React app.

2. Python support

Alchemy’s engineering team had already written tools in Python so the unique support for Python in Superblocks made it simple to switch while maintaining access to key Python libraries the team was familiar with.

3. Scheduled Jobs

A straight replacement of Celery tasks for existing jobs made it easy to consolidate with the internal apps under one place to centrally control users and security.

Future State

Alchemy continues to scale quickly and consistently, adding new internal tools enabling them to take on the next level of scale across Support and soon other business teams in the company.

"With the success of Superblocks on the Support team, we really want to make this a key initiative around the company. We want to hire more internal tools engineers dedicated to Superblocks internal tools allowing us to move faster in areas like marketing, comms and data analysis."

Rishub Kumar
Product Engineer at Alchemy

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Rishub Kumar

Multiple authors

Oct 3, 2022